Resident Qualification Criteria
1.      All Adult applicants over the age of 18 must submit a fully completed, dated and signed residency application and fee. Applicant must provide proof of identity and a non-refundable Application fee of $40.00 for each adult (money order or cashier’s checks  or online payment only).  If approved, a $75.00 non-refundable lease processing fee will be due.
2.      Applicants have a combined gross income of at least three times the monthly rent. A minimum of two years residential history is required.
3.      Credit history and or Civil Court Records must not contain slow pays, judgments, eviction filing, collections, liens or bankruptcy within the past 5 years. We will not provide you with the credit report or tell you of its contents but will provide you with the name of the credit reporting agency so you may receive a free copy.
4.      Self-employed applicants are required to produce upon request 2 years of tax returns or 1099s.
5.      Non-employed individuals must provide proof of income.
6.      All sources of “Other” income must be verifiable if needed to qualify for a rental unit.
7.      Criminal records must contain no convictions for felonies within the past seven years and no sexual offenses.
8.      Previous rental history reports from landlords must reflect timely payment, sufficient notice of intent to vacate, no complaints regarding noise, disturbances or illegal activities, no NSF checks, and no damage to unit or failure to leave the property clean and without damage at time of lease termination.
9.      No pet (with the exception of medically necessary pet) of any kind is permitted without specific written permission of landlord in the lease document, an addendum to lease with an additional pet fee acceptable to landlord. The following breeds are not allowed: German Shepherd, Doberman, Pit Bull or Pit Bull mix, Staffordshire Terrier, Chow, Rottweiler, Siberian Husky, Akita, Malamute, Presa Canario and Wolf-Hybrid.  Deposits are waived for medically necessary pets.
10.   Resident(s) will be required to pay a security deposit on or before the day of move equal to one months rent. We reserve the right to require a higher security deposit and or additional prepaid rent.  All pet fees are non-refundable.
11.   Current occupancy standards are a maximum of 2 persons per bedroom (plus 1 per household) except for infants under 2 years of age.
12.   An Application reservation fee must be paid in the amount of one months rent in the form of a cashiers check or money order to hold a property off the market once approved. In the event the application is approved and applicant fails to enter into a lease, the applicant shall forfeit this reservation fee. Application reservation fee will be credited towards payment of the first months rent. In addition all last months rent if required, security deposit, and pet deposits must be paid prior to move in by money order or cashiers check.
13.   Any exceptions to these criteria must be submitted in writing to the rental agent for the landlord’s review and consideration. If approval is then granted for such exceptions, additional security, and /or additional advance rent payments may be required.
14.   Our company policy is to report all non-compliances with terms of your rental agreement or failure to pay rent, or any amounts owed to the credit bureau.
Our leases are currently prepared by an Attorney at Law to comply with Florida laws. If you are the successful leasing candidate, there is a lease closing cost of $50.00 to cover the cost in preparing your lease.  Lease renewals (after one year) have a $25 cost.